對於新創或中小企業而言,#荷蘭🇳🇱 是進入歐洲最好的立足點🔥因為其有絕佳物流體系👍、密集的貿易活動。
於全球數位準備指標(the Global Digital Readiness Index)分數
為歐洲前四✨ (其他各國準備程度請參考圖片)
特別是「荷蘭2020稅收計劃(The Netherlands - Tax Plan 2020)」
🔗荷蘭投資局The Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA)
🔗安永通訊(2017.12 ~ 2018.01)
🔗The Netherlands - Tax Plan 2020
🔗Cisco Global Digital Readiness Index 2019
With the excellent logistics system and intensive trading activities, the Netherlands🇳🇱 would become the best point for startups and #SMEs to expand markets to Europe. On top of that, the Netherlands🇳🇱, together with Luxembourg🇱🇺, Denmark🇩🇰 and Switzerland🇨🇭, ranked as top four ✨in the EU in the Global Digital Readiness Index released by Cisco.
(The preparedness of other nations can be found in the picture)
The Netherlands🇳🇱, with Europe’s most wired network, invests in innovation and technology, and its tax laws become another appeal for foreign investments, especially when the Tax Plan 2020 proposes to cut the corporate income tax rate and introduce a new withholding tax on interest and royalties.
For the reasons outlined above, #startups and #SMEs are encouraged to give close attention to the market.🔥
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